What’s My Body Types Quiz!

Body Types Quiz!

Knowing which of the three basic body types you mostly fit to can help you tailor your fitness journey in multiple ways. For starters, you can get a better idea of what your exercise and nutrition regimen should look like. Secondly, you can get an idea of some of the hurdles you may face along the way. Keep in mind that these basic body types aren’t definite and you may fit in more than one category. You can reference our Am I Mesomorph blog for some of these characteristics.

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Now What ?

After taking the quiz you may be thinking, ‘ okay so I’m a ___, now what?’, we’ll we got you covered! Below you’ll find other blogs with tips and tricks on all subjects regarding your fitness journey. Don’t see a question you have covered? Leave a comment below or send us an email here, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.


ectomorph mesomorph body types

  • Feel like you plateaued in the gym? Check out this for instructions on how to build muscle through the time under tension, click here.
  • Workouts feeling good but feel like your diet is slacking? Check out this for tips on bulking, click here.



Mesomorph body type

  • Not sure how to improve your diet?Check out this for information on counting your macros, click here.
  • Nutrition on point but not sure where your exercise routine stands? Check out this for tips on how to avoid over training click here.



endomorph mesomorph body types

  • Want information on fat burning foods? click here.
  • Need tips on how to keep your nutrition elite ? click here.
  • If you need information on fat burning exercises, click here.
  • Not getting the results you want, as fast as you want? Check out this for an overview on our top selling fat burners, click here.


in general body types

General Tips:

Please Note

†The intention of the information above is for reference only. While we attempt to keep our information accurate, we cannot guarantee it is an accurate representation of the latest formulation of the product. If you have any concerns, please visit the vendors web site. The information above are the views of the product’s manufacturer, not the views of Same Day Supplements. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. The intention of this product is not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.


The post What’s My Body Types Quiz! appeared first on Supplement Reviews Blog.

About: saubuchon05