The Power of Persistence with Vince Del Monte

Vince knows what it takes to build muscle, lose weight and overcome muscle unfriendly genes in the shortest time possible. He was so skinny growing up, he earned the nickname Skinny Vinny.
Competing in long distance sports such as running and triathlon for ten years did not help improve his chances of overcoming his muscle unfriendly genes.

Over the course of six months, Vince gained over 41 pounds of rock-hard muscle and climbed the scale from a scrawny 149 pounds to a muscular 190 pounds without drugs, without a lot of supplements and training only three days per week.

After entering the world of competitive fitness modeling he became the Canadian Fitness Model Champion in his third show ever! His transformation even caught the attention of the International fitness magazine Maximum Fitness which featured a 2 page spread of his transformation story.

Known as “Skinny  Vinny” Vince wanted to make a splash in the personal training space. He knew how to build muscle but not quite how to brand or sell himself. In fact, he had 100’s of youtube videos live and published before getting any decent type of traffic. But persistence was in his blood and before age 30 he had a 7 figure online fitness business dedicated to skinny guys, Vince sustained a multi 7-figure business for more than 8 years until he realized he wanted to impact more men, to help them build a successful and profitable online 7-figure fitness business, while mastering the 5 M’s of Manhood—musclemindsetmoneymission, and marriage.

Join in today and learn how Vince continually LEVELS UP and creates everything from nothing.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why consistency is key to fitness and business
  • What are the 5 M’s of manhood
  • Why being mentally strong is more important than physically strong

The post The Power of Persistence with Vince Del Monte appeared first on Natalie Jill Fitness.

About: saubuchon05