Fitness trends and predictions for 2019

Hi friends! How are ya today? Hope you’re having a lovely morning! I’m catching a short Peloton class and we’re heading out on our trip. I’ll be sure to share lots of adventures on IG if you’d like to follow along the fun.

In January, I always think about fitness trends and my personal predictions for the new year. It’s a prevalent time for creating new goals and changing up class routines, so I always wonder what will be hot that year and what will be… not so hot.

Here’s what I think we’ll see more of in the fitness industry in 2019:

– Focus on restorative and mobility classes. I see more and more studios offering stretching classes, foam rolling classes, and mobility workshops. I feel like the old fitness mentality was “no pain, no gain,” but now participants are learning that the key to longevity and avoiding injury is to include a balance of rest and work. When our muscles can move through their full range of motion, we’re less likely to experience movement compensations, muscle imbalances, and injury.

Meditation stones

– Meditation. It makes me excited to see meditation become so trendy over the past couple of years. Apps like Headspace make this practice more accessible and your favorite yoga studio may be offering a meditation workshop or class in the coming weeks/months. I definitely suggest checking it out; even 5 minutes can make a huge difference. (And this study indicates that meditation can positively affect the composition of our brain! Bananas.)

– Express classes. Over the years, sports medicine has evolved and we’re learning that workouts don’t have to be super long to be effective. I think the trend is moving more towards 30-45 minute classes, which to me, is the ideal length for a workout.

– More cardio-focused classes on the treadmill or rowing machine. These have become more popular in the bigger cities, so I’m looking forward to when it makes its way down to Phoenix/Tucson.

– Bootcamp workouts focused on a variety of equipment, like TRX, medicine balls, slam balls, plyo boxes, rowers, Skillmills, etc. These classes are perfect for those who get bored doing the same thing at the gym or taking the same classes. The workout is always different and many studios offer a solid muscle training split so you can plan your life. (So, if you know Monday is legs day and you want to take a barre class on Tuesday, you’d probably skip Monday’s workout and do the arm-focused class on Thursday.)

Heart rize fitness 2

– At-home and streaming equipment and class options. Studios are starting to realize that for many people, it’s very hard to make it to the gym or to a class. Commuting, childcare and job schedules are significant factors, so when you can get in the same studio workout at home, it’s wins all around. There are a ton of streaming options out there (my faves are Peloton, Physique57, barre3, and Les Mills on demand) and new home equipment is popping out. How sweet is this mirror?!

– Cold workouts??? I’m not sure if this is here to stay, but the thought of this BRRRN class in NYC makes me want to put on a parka and hide.

– Boxing. I think boxing workouts will have the biggest growth in 2019. It’s an opportunity to learn a new skill, sculpt chiseled arms, burn calories, and get out some aggression. High fives for that. 😉

Still growing or remains the same:

Orangetheory and similar bootcamp workouts. I think these workouts are here to stay, especially since they’re always evolving and adapting (like when OTF finally changed their heart rate zone formula) and adding new workouts. I feel like the community aspect of these workouts is a huge reason why they’re so popular, too. I’m SO thankful for all of the amazing ladies I’ve met at the Telos gym here in Tucson!

– Cycling studios. I feel like cycling will never die and that makes my heart happy. While Peloton is extremely popular and more and more people are purchasing their own bikes, the fact that it’s an expensive purchase is what keeps cycling studios full.

– Yoga and Pilates. I feel like this is another workout (which is more of a lifestyle) that will last forever. I mean, yoga’s been around since like 3000 BC, so I think it wins for staying power. 😉 I love that yoga and Pilates classes can evolve and change with what’s popular at the time. Hot yoga, room temperature yoga, restorative classes, power classes, etc. I also think it’s very smart that Pilates studios often offer hybrid classes (like 30 minutes on the spin bike, 30 min of Pilates) so you can get cardio + Pilates in one class.

Yoga strength

Saw its peak already:

Barre. I don’t think barre is on the way out, but I think we saw it’s most popular era unless something majorly changes. I still love barre and will continue to teach it and take classes, I just don’t see a huge upswing in barre enthusiasts this year. The die-hards will always be there with their Toe Soxx on, ready to go.

– CrossFit. I think the same thing goes for CrossFit. The people that love it and are devoted to it will still be there, but I don’t see it trending towards people jumping up and down to join a CrossFit box.

So, tell me friends: what is your fitness trend for 2019? Are you doing something you’ve always done and loved, or trying something new? Have any new classes or studios popped up where you live?

The post Fitness trends and predictions for 2019 appeared first on The Fitnessista.

About: saubuchon05